SATO, Mitsunobu [佐藤 光宣]

GradeClass NameDisciplineMajors/EntranceYearCompulsory/ElectiveCreditsSemester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IDepartment of EconomicsCompulsory Elective21st semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IIDepartment of EconomicsCompulsory Elective22nd semester
Year 2History of Economic Thought IDepartment of EconomicsElective21st semester
Year 2History of Economic Thought IIDepartment of EconomicsElective22nd semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IDepartment of Business AdministrationElective21st semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IIDepartment of Business AdministrationElective22nd semester
Year 2History of Economics IDepartment of Business AdministrationElective21st semester
Year 2History of Economics IIDepartment of Business AdministrationElective22nd semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IDepartment of HistoryElective21st semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IIDepartment of HistoryElective22nd semester
Year 1Academic-Writing Exercises IDepartment of Contemporary BusinessCompulsory21st semester
Year 1Academic-Writing Exercises IIDepartment of Contemporary BusinessCompulsory22nd semester
Year 1Introduction to Economic History IDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective21st semester
Year 1Introduction to Economic History IIDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective22nd semester
Year 2Academic-Writing Exercises IIIDepartment of Contemporary BusinessCompulsory21st semester
Year 2Academic-Writing Exercises IVDepartment of Contemporary BusinessCompulsory22nd semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective21st semester
Year 2History of Japanese Economy IIDepartment of Contemporary BusinessElective22nd semester
Year 1Economic History IGeneral EducationElective21st semester
Year 1Economic History IIGeneral EducationElective22nd semester