担当者日野 純子教員紹介
単位・開講先選択  2単位 [自己啓発支援科目]


 This is one of the classes of the Japan Explore Program, and conducted in English. The class provides a unique chance with Japanese students with English competence and international students to interact, discuss, and work together in a collaborative setting. We will practice English presentation skills by peforming small presentation, and learning useful expressions from movies, speeches, or news. We will talk and critically analyze Japanese people and culture from varieties of perspectives. Students will be working in groups of their interest, and making the final presentation


 To be able to use English to discuss and critically analyze Japanese culture and society.
 To be able to explore cultural and social problems in Japan.
 To be able to present your analysis of Japanese culture in English.


 30% Participation and Preparedness
 30% Small presentation, Quizzes
 40%  Final Presentation
 More than 5 time absents is not allowed.


教科書 TBA


 Students are expected to come to class fully prepared


1This is not a class for passive students who want an easy credit.
2Students are expected to come to class on time, do homework, and actively participate for discussion or group work in the class.
3The class schedule is subjected to change depending of students’ interests.
4 The 14th session will be conducted by LMS.


第1回Orientation, self-introduction
第2回Sharing interests for Japanese culture and society.
第3回 Definition of Culture, Visible Culture VS Invisible Culture
第4回Components of Culture, Cultural 3Ps
第5回Definition of Communication, Human Communication VS Animal Communication
第6回Components of Communication
第7回Intercultural Communication High Context vs Low Context Communication
第8回 Intercultural Communication Difference in language behavior
第9回Non-verbal Communication VS Verbal Communication
第10回Intercultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication
第11回Analysis of Japanese Culture from Foreign Perspectives (ways of thinking)
第12回Analysis of Japanese Culture from Foreign Perspectives (social ladder)
第13回Analysis of Japanese Culture from Foreign Perspectives (current daily life)
第14回Review of culture, communication, intercultural communication, Preparation for the final presentation(LMS)
第15回Review and Final Presentation